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Carpe chocolate

The view from kabuki's deck.  kabuki's newest friend, whom kabuki calls edmund.  Fun times.

Quite recently kabuki was in belgium with Lola Felana and Peyton Manning.  kabuki was in search of the much-rumored divine chocolate truffle, Lola was shopping for headbands (?), and Peyton was on the lam.  Apparently Peyton's brother Eli is a bit chatty.  Anyways, while dining at a smart sidewalk cafe (the ham brioche was delightful), Lola spotted a headband vendor and salsa'ed her little butt over to the stall.  Peyton and kabuki had pretty much decided that headbands made Lola look like a latin Patty Duke, but kabuki threatened to pinch Peyton under the table if he breathed a word of our discovery to the fashion-confused Lola.  Peyton's phone rang for like the 73rd time (guess who?) kabuki snatched it and traded it to a small belgium child for his pet monkey.  The monkey and Peyton seemed happy with the exchange, so kabuki set about the search for the perfect chocolate truffle.  Lola returned, we assured her she looked divine in her purple beaded headband (not).  kabuki decided it was time to visit the royal family of belgium, as kabuki is very fond of castles, royals, and jewels.  Surely there must be a crown or two lying about the aforementioned castle, and kabuki just knew the Queen would have the inside track on chocolate truffles of a most delectable nature.  Queens are good about these things.  Plumbing repairs - not so much.  kabuki's powder room is still a horror - due in no small part to Queen Elizabeth.  kabuki will speak no further on this wretched affair.  (aside - she also knows jack about truffles.  It's like she is not even european royalty at all).  While  traveling thru the lovely streets of belgium, safely esconced in the back of a grey maybach guard (europe can get dicey, and neither peyton or kabuki can run worth a damn.  kabuki swears it is the shoes), Peyton decided he wanted a pair of leather shorts.  kabuki puts the blame squarely on Lola for the idea.  kabuki assured Peyton that leather shorts were never, ever appropriate.  Especially at the palace of the Belgium King & Queen.  kabuki and you, dear reader both know that Queen Mathilde would plotz if Peyton came strolling into the royal hall in tight leather shorts.  kabuki is already in disfavor with several Queens (imagine that), mostly for refusing to reveal where kabuki obtains the silk for the silk kimonos kabuki is famous for.  kabuki just cannot.  Can you imagin the horror, the trajedy, the humanity, when some silly Queen spills royal jelly on her silk frock.  When kabuki's mercer read the latest Enquirer and saw Queen Thumblethumbs in her ruined silk frock - well the next kimono would be made of kabuki's hide. alas   Always remember - days go by and still kabuki thinks of you. 


Like a pocketful of smoke

Kabuki has been to the small dark place  inside of kabuki's soul.  A quiet place, where kabuki sought solace from the everyday lonliness that pervades kabuki's psyche.  Many times kabuki sat down to write - yet had nothing to say.  Preferring to keep mundane and inconsequential minutia from kabuki's beloved followers (because kabuki cares), kabuki refrained. 

World Update - Super Secret Straight Boyfriend is dead to kabuki (sad)
Little black pomeranian is a long term visitor to kabuki's very own Palace Rock.  She stands on her front legs (a perfect headstand) to pee, looking somewhat like a black fur lawn sprinkler.  Entertainment at its best.  The live-in poodle is beside himself with joy over having a flat mate.  The birds - not quite so happy.  Not even kabuki can win them all. 
Kabuki's has replaced the broken video camera, expect moving pictures soonly.  WOW
Kabuki contemplates a video blog - a committee has been formed to investigate the possibilities.  Think viral, like dengue fever.
A new doctor threatens to return kabuki to health.  Weekly injections, night breathing machines, all very trendy scientificy types of affairs.  Kabuki's has developed a wait and see attitude.  Two rules - no injections into the spine.  no injections into the eyeball.  (you know the medical community loves to fuck with your spine and eyes - it is madness kabuki tells you.)
Kabuki has been feasting visually via the Netflix people.  The first season of the Man from U.N.C.L.E. is both the best and worst television kabuki has ever seen.  When they found Hitler in suspended animation in a garage in Oxnard kabuki nearly succumbed.  TASTY
Work on the  double-wide castle has slowed due to a cashflow situation compounded by a brutally warm desert summer.  kahuki donned a waterproof silk kimono (hard to find) and floated like a water lily in the nearby pool.  (Water does a body good)
Kabuki has accepted that there is no love to be found in today's world.  Alas.  This is mostly an unpleasant side effect of being uniquely fabulous, so kabuki says 'fuck em'.  An epiphany occured during a dream - kabuki was told to get busy with it (it being an artistic creative lifestyle), and informed that kabuki did not have much time.  Kabuki reflected that time is an imaginary construct, and to defined 'much time' required parameters unavailable to kabuki.  So kabuki will venture forth - alone but not afraid, beautifully bothersome, and joyous to know others are out there - somewhere - who care for kabuki as kabuki cares for them.