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Zero News Alert: MAN BITES GOD !

Kabuki begs forgiveness for the unavoidable absence. Few people know that kauki was raised in spanish harlem. It was a sad childhood, wandering the streets in a tattered kimono, wearing the same kabuki wig for days at a time. While this did serve to steel kabuki's ambition to become a superstar, it was a long and winding road. Makes me want to sing, as many people know kabuki has a lovely singing voice.
Once megastardom was thrust kabukis' way it became time to put away such foolish notions like singiing for fun. God forbid some tabloid publish my unique vocalizations of some familiar tune. Next thing you know everybody's singing my version of 'Scary Monsters'. Trust me when I say David Bowie does not need this type of aggravation. So anyway, like I was saying, it occurs to me that very soon(as in very soon) kabuki
will join the public and regain the coveted DSL access to the webbernet. It may only be days before I can bug you peopleona MUCH more frequent basis. This is only one of the exciting things kabuki is planning. If you have anything important to do, now is the time. Don't blame me if you miss your own wedding because you are glued to the computer screen. I gave you plenty of time off this summer, so no whining. But currently I must dash, so until next time, when we will discuss the member of out blog community who is secretly the heir-apparent to the Vespa scooter fortune, kabuki bids adieu


  1. I first heard of this "delightful" singing voice of yours (from yourself) in 1977. To date, some 33 years later, I've yet to hear it. I am suspect.

  2. Kabuki knows with great power comes great something or the other.

  3. Thankyou for the warning Kabuki.
    Perhaps a melodrama of your life story would be fitting...

  4. Are you prepared to be the next YouTube sensation?

  5. I await with, (dare I speak it)... baited breath for your next installment. I just hope the rain does not wash it away..

  6. i always get confused, which rue do you take to get to winchester?
