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Because you and me could have been a work of art

So kabuki is washing the dishes (because the dishwasher is not yet  installed) when out the kitchen window kabuki spies a crane sauntering across kabuki's very own front porch.  Kabuki dashed out to photograph the delightful creature, who was not disturbed by kabuki at all.  (which rarely happens, as kabuki can be rather disturbing).  Rather, the dear bird waited until kabuki went back inside and then retraced his path back into the duck pond.  Crikey - kabuki was as excited as a thirteen year old girl with a new bratz doll.  When kabuki mentioned this wonderment to his super secret straight boyfriend - he just said 'It is an egret.  It lives in the pond'.  What a turd - sucking the joy out of everything.  Kabuki pictured him with a rash, and kabuki felt better.  As is my god-given right. 

Now, back to my original reason for this blog.  Firsties - my desktop has been revived (JOY).  Second - As kabuki was watching the olympics (don't start) kabuki saw a commercial for that new Bourne Compendium movie (might have got the name wrong)  Premise is that man cannot remember his past, which apparently included training in everything.  (except tact)  So when trouble arises - as it do - man can solve problems with knowledge that he did not know he knew.  (whatever)  Also the government is trying to kill him.  (BFD) Like the government is not trying to kill all of us.  People - if you do not attend the secret meetings, well kabuki really can't discuss it.  Just like the plot of kabuki's favorite 60s summer replacement show "Coronet Blue".  Anywho, upon reflection kabuki realises that my very early childhood is a blank.  Egads, was the baby kabuki a government agent?  A kimono clad baby assasian?  Seems unlikely, but let us remember that we may have as our next president a man who tied a dog carrier (avec dog) onto the roof of his car and drove to his vacation.  Kabuki is relatively sure the doggie did not enjoy the vacation AT ALL.  So back to kabuki, how is kabuki supposed to showcase the new Olympic Mens' Rythmic Gymnastic event?  And if you can just picture a ribbon-twirling kimono-wearing split-leap jumping kabuki, well then you know it is time for the Olympics to 'man-up'.  Kabuki briefly considered mens syncronized swimming, but these kimonos weigh a ton when wet.  And a a shock to most, kabuki will admit that kabuki is best kept dry.  Like gunpowder.  Draw your own conclusions people, for now kabuki must go and bury his old desktop power supply in the desert.  Secrets, secrets, secrets. 


  1. Are those Corinthian columns on your double-wide?

    1. they are palm trees. this is a resort. kabuki has renamed it Desperate Palms

  2. Egret my ass, you were right, it's a crane. In fact, I recognize it to be Cheryl Crane. Now take some of that dry powder and do your face, you're shining. Like a star.

    1. and now kabuki has to hide the knives. great

  3. Synchronized swimming in the pond, with the egret. Maybe the egret can wear your baby kimono.

  4. A crane on your front porch is to be taken as a sign of great fortuosity or a government spy.

    I can never remember which.
