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From the mind of kabuki - a new and exciting place

I am moving into my new apartment.  Someof my things were with me in Fredericksburg, the rest of my items are in my old home, which is right next door to my new place. I am doing most of the moving myself - and it is tiring,  My current web access is free wifi 1 mile away.  Bear with me for just a little longer - all will be well.  I am much happier in my new digs, a new pad for kabuki.  I miss you all terribly (except for you, and you know who you are), much smoochies comin at ya.  kabuki
ps my beauty diet is working, just LOOK at me!


  1. Yay for the new pad!

    Does it have paneling?

  2. i can't argue with you, you do look terrific! a drop of botox perhaps?

  3. No paneling, I will start saving up now. As for botox, notin the budget. I will try eating spoiled food in hopes of botulism - the old-fashioned way, cuz I'm just an old-fashioned kabuki.

  4. Best wishes & blessing on your new abode.
    What do you need? I owe you a house gift...
