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The Kabuki Conundrum re-post (october 2008)

I have been away so long dear readers, I don't know how you survived. That is, if you survived. If you are dead - please do not respond. October is creepy enough without kudos from the departed. What have I been doing? What indeed! I have been working on my cold fusion device - because I am not prepared for another cold winter. Do not, I repeat, DO NOT buy a particle accelerator from Ebay. They are all junk. I was ankle deep in nuetrons, my vacuum cleaner was for shit, I just sprayed Febreeze and hoped for the best. But enough science - on to meatier matters. This Halloween - what's in, who is hot, etc. Let kabuki zero be your guide. Single costume - CHARO. Old School, but still entertaining. Couples' costume Dr. G and Corpse. Don't be afraid to hack off a body part or two - it is Halloween after all. Group costume - Lindsay Lohan - try to represent all ages. I personally adore 'lindsay at 50'. Anyway - stay true to your heart - thats' what is important. That and blindly following my directions. Because I know things. I have seen things. I could tell you things. And unforutnately - then I would have to kill you.

Be back soon Kabuki Zero.

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